Blessed is a term we like to use frequently but what does it really mean? When the word is applied to God, it has the sense of praise. (Psalm 28:6) When it refers to humans, it denotes a state of happiness. (Psalm 1:1)

Being blessed is not a feeling. It is a gift. One that comes from God alone. The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 1 that we have spiritual blessings or benefits through Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Sound complicated? It’s not. All we have in this life comes down from the hand of our loving heavenly Father, our creator, through of His son Jesus Christ, (the finished work, his death on the cross and resurrection) by the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  They work in tandem for our good and His glory.

We are blessed by his love and by our turning to him in repentance. The blessings of forgiveness for sin are many and praiseworthy.

Therefore, the seasons, days, and moments we find impossible to navigate can still result in blessing. Just as our salvation came through the burdensome road our Savior walked on our behalf, the blessings of this life are often seen through heartache and pain. These feelings do not last forever but the love and blessings of God are everlasting. He is always pursuing us. He always has our back. Romans 8:28 tells is he is always working for our good.

Every new day will be filled with blessings, because of God. He is faithful. (Lamentations 3:22-23) Some days we might have to look a bit harder to see the blessings, but they are there. Our loving Father is never far away. Look for him in his Word. Talk to him in prayer. Commit to his service by being the hands and feet of Jesus to someone else.

When you are discouraged, watch the birds, consider the flowers. If God would take such great care of them, how much more will he take care of you no matter what your situation. (Matthew 6:26-28)

God knows you. He sees you. He loves you. Trust Him.

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