I would like to tell you about my friend Ruby. I met her at a local business establishment where I live. She is the type of person who is always cheerful. I’ve never seen her frown. I think Grace should be her middle name.
I noted the first time I encountered her that she was a pleasure to do business with. Always ready to help no matter who you are or what your issue might be. I admire that in a person. As time went on and I had more opportunities to engage with her, I discovered that she is a Christian. Though we had nothing else in common, this was where we connected, as believers in Christ. This is a lovely thing. We can talk about anything, and we are like sisters. Though I don’t see her often, I do indeed consider her my friend.
When I saw my friend this week, she lit up when she saw me come through the door. She came over to speak with me even though she had another client. I chose to wait, because I wanted her to help me so we could talk some more.
The grace and kindness of Jesus shines through her. I’m sure Ruby has her moments like the rest of us, but I’ve never seen anything, but kindness and grace come from her. She has a beautiful heart that can only be ascribed to the Lord.
As believers we have so many opportunities to show the grace, kindness, and love of God to others. I don’t always do this well. At the risk of give us all an out, there are many distractions that seem to keep us from being our best for Jesus. When I realized, I have failed to demonstrate the love of God to another, I cringe inside and remember Ruby in the hopes that at the next opportunity I will shine Jesus to those I’m dealing with. I just need to do it, no matter the distraction or how I’m being treated. There is no excuse for the Christian to be unkind. God has given us many verses in His word to help us live a kind and gracious life so other will see Him and come to know Him.
There are many bible verses on kindness. My favorite is this:
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” ~ Ephesians 4:32
Let me encourage you to put this into practice. Maybe you don’t have a Ruby in your life right now. Let’s look to the example of our Savior and memorize the verse above so we can love like our Lord loves no matter the situation.
Ruby has a beautiful and obedient heart. Let us say, “I want one too”.
Note: The photo above is not Ruby but the kindness in the eyes of this women looks the same.)
©️ 2023 Leah E Miller All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Great message. Praying we take the time to be a Ruby.❤
I met someone just like Ruby, also a Christian…at a local business in Spring Hill! I will never forget her ( ), all smiles on a day when I was anything but smiley. A very dark time in my life.
In fact, she asked, “How are you today?” And I immediately started crying!
She left the counter and came straight for me, and gave me one of the best hugs I’d ever gotten. I literally started to sob, and she whispered, “God’s got this.” I went from being distraught to encouraged. I knew it wasn’t a chance meeting… It truly was a perfect intervention of the Lord.
1″Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion,
2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Philippians 2
I saw her many times after that, and was eventually able to confirm God’s protection in my storm.
God knows we need our brothers and sisters in Christ, and draws us together like magnets!