Peace is not the absence of war or of struggle. It is not the lack of conflict or strife. It is not using social media as a distraction for the unfavorable circumstances of your life. It is not spending money on things you don’t need. It is not having unity, quietness, and reconciliation in your life.

 Unity, reconciliation, are welcome alternatives to the chaos that surrounds you. However, something is still missing from the peace equation.

Peace is the presence of God. He is enough. He leads you to lush, green meadows. He will guide you beside quiet waters. He will refresh your soul. 

He leads you to the right paths and walks with you through the deep, dark valleys of life. You do not have to fear danger because He is always with you.

This is a beautiful picture of what peace looks like when Jesus completes your peace picture.

Look to Jesus and his word for the peace that passes all understanding.

(Philippians 4:7) Stay in His word. Keep reading and praying until Jesus is real to you.

Jesus is always with you (Matthew 28:20) and will walk beside you no matter the storm that prevails against you. Look up. Look to Jesus. He is waiting for you.

©️ 2023 Leah E Miller All Rights Reserved Worldwide

One thought on “What Peace Looks Like”

  1. Yes! Only blessed assurance brings true peace!
    “… A man reaps what he sows.
    Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
    Galatians 6:7-8

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