Fall is the cozy season. It is often the time we reflect on life. We become more self-aware, and we realize some things need to change one way or another.
Today, I’d like to talk about Bible reading. So, grab that “weight-defying” hot chocolate, a warm blanket, your Bible and settle in front of a warm fire and let’s talk about it.
Bible reading is an important part of the Christian journey. It’s how God speaks to us. If we are not reading God’s Word, we are not hearing Him speak. I don’t know about you, but for me, life sometimes gets in the way and I neglect this important relationship. In the past week I’ve had many people talk to me about this very subject. So, you are not alone. We all have times in our life when this happens. We don’t need to make excuses. We just need to start reading or start reding again.
Think about how easy it is to pick up your phone in the morning or anytime of the day. What happens? We intend only to spend a few minutes checking news, weather, and social media. Those few minutes turn in to an hour or more and we are shocked at how much time we have spent there. The same can be true of Bible reading. Pick up your Bible and begin reading. Read until you feel peaceful or until your designated time is up.
But, you say, how do I get started or restart this import aspect of my walk with Jesus? I have a few suggestions that I hope will be helpful to all of us.
Let’s begin by deciding on a time that works best for your schedule. Many people have suggested morning as the best time to have your Quiet Time. Though, I tend to agree, I understand that this time of day may not work well for everyone. Some people prefer the evening after the children have been tucked in and you have some time before you tuck it. Some find other times of the day are best. You get to choose the time, it’s best to stick with a time each day once you have determined what works well for you then chose a time frame for reading.
Next, choose where in the Bible you are going to read. Some people like to start at the beginning and read from Genesis to Revelation. Others, including myself prefer to pick a book of the Bible to read through. The easiest way to get started is to read the Psalms, they are refreshing and comforting and tell us a lot about who God is. You can read one Psalm a day or five Psalms a day. The Book of Proverbs has thirty-one chapters so you can read this book in a month, one chapter a day. The book of John is also a great place to stary as it will immerse you in the life of Christ.
Read the Psalms : Read as many as you can in the timeframe you have set for this. Make sure you have a notebook of some kind so you can write down things God is telling you and things you want to remember.
Read the Gospel Books: Reading through the gospel accounts of the life of Christ will encourage you to learn more about God. Reading the gospels will give you a better understanding of who Jesus is and how he lived and ministered. Additionally, you will learn ways you can minister to those around you.
If you choose to read a gospel book a month you will finish them all in less than four months; reading every day. The longest gospel is twenty-eight chapters and the shortest is sixteen chapters long.
Read Multiple Times a Day: Often, we feel we need more time in the Word, or we cannot get finished in the allotted time. That’s okay. On those days or everyday leave your Bible in a prominent place in the house –not on a shelf. It needs to be out where you see it often. This will spur you to pick it up and read some more. If you are not at home during the day you can do this in the evenings and on weekends.
Read a Chronological Bible: This will take you from beginning to end of the meta-narrative in chronological order of the events of Scripture. Purchase a chronological Bible that doesn’t start on a given date, this way you can start in the middle of the year if you choose. This is a fun and different way to read the Bible.
Don’t Give Up: If you get sidetracked, don’t stop reading your Bible. Go to the place you left off and begin reading there. If it has been a long time and you don’t remember where you left off or your bookmark fell out, start with the Psalms or the Gospel books and continue from there.
Wherever you decide to start, don’t give up. Keep going, even if you miss a day, just start in where you left off and go from there.
“Let the Word of God dwell in you richly Colossians 3:16a
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