Gratitude is the quality or feeling of being thankful. I have talked to many people in the past year, who are finding it more and more difficult to feel grateful. Our world is swirling with many hard things. It may be political, professional, or personal. It may be that you have experienced a loss of some kind, a financial reversal, a sick family member or some other significant change. Maybe you are feeling the changes that come with aging and that makes you feel out of your element.
Burdens from without press into us and make us feel hopeless. Some are real and some imagined, but they are all affecting us in negative ways. These burdens envelop us in ways the make us uncomfortable because we want to be grateful, often asking why we can’t be. We want to thank God for what He has done but the heavy burdens pressing in halt that desire.
“Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.” ~ Psalm 66:5
There is a solution. Turn to Jesus Christ, who gave His life for you and who is your hope. Turn to Jesus and look up from the wearying burdens that weight you down. Turn to the beauty He has created that is all around you.
Live in God’s Word. Read your Bible every chance you get, engage with the Lord in prayer at all available moments. This may not come easy to you at first. Don’t give up. Keep reading and praying and God will show you what you are seeking – a thankful heart that will lift you from the external and internal burdens life has thrown at you.
Decide you will desire the Lord in all things. Look at what you have and understand He has given them to you, that you would have nothing without Jesus. Your present situation may seem bleak, He will answer your questions regarding it. Go to His Word and listen.
Commit that you will follow His footsteps and where he leads you will go. He is your shepherd – The Good Shepherd – and He will stay close beside you and protect you.
So, live in the Bible and engage in prayer. It may feel uncomfortable when times are difficult and painful, but He is with you. Stay in the Word and prayer as long as it takes knowing you will come out on the other side a grateful person because of what Jesus has done for you.
“Seek the Lord, while He may be found, call on Him while He is near. ~ Isaiah 55:6-7
©️ 2023 Leah E Miller All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Such a good article…right on point. Maybe your devotional?
Beautiful reminder, thank you Leah!