Have you ever been asked to share tour testimony? Do you dislike speaking in public, especially about something so personal as your sin? Are you fearful of standing up in front of a crowd and having everyone look at you? Have you thought about what people would think once they learned that you’re not perfect? Would your friends lose respect for you once they knew the truth about you? Do you think you would you lose friends altogether?
Sharing with others what God has done for you doesn’t have to incite fear in your heart. Let me help you design your testimony so that sharing it, isn’t so scary:
Remember, your testimony isn’t about you and what you’ve done. Speaking about your sins and how awful they are is not necessary. You can simply say, “I was (fill in the blank)”. Tell your audience from where you came. Don’t give glory to the sin itself by giving it glory through details. The Bible says we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s perfect target.
Therefore, your audience already knows you’re not perfect because they’re not perfect either. They understand you have struggled and may still be struggling with sin. We will struggle with sin until Jesus comes to make all things right.
Your testimony is about God and what He has done for you. After explaining briefly where you were when God found you, show the audience about what God has done in your life. How you came to understand the gospel. How God brought you to the end of yourself. How God has been your strength through the struggle. How Jesus rescued you from the bonds of sin and what He is doing in your life right now.
Use Scripture to illustrate God’s goodness and faithfulness in your life. Give praise to the Savior for all He has done. Express how reading and studying God’s Word has helped you know who God is and how much He loves you. Share a favorite Bible verse or passage that has helped you walk the journey God has carved out for you. Then share how much Jesus loves your audience. Briefly explain the gospel and that it is not just for you, but for them too, that they can have the forgiveness of sins if they repent of those sins and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ the Savior.
Demonstrate the joy Jesus has given you in your tone, animation, and facial expression so they will see the gladness Jesus can and will bring into their life.
“For great is His steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. “– Psalm 117:2
“Come and see what God has done: He is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.” – Psalm 66:5
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