The pull of the world is strong. We lean toward it. It pulls more. We want to live our lives as we see fit, just as others are living because we think they have it all. They don’t.
God’s pursuit of us is stronger. He leans into it. He pursues more. He knows what we need and what we don’t. He knows our way will result in heartache and destruction.
He pursues. He speaks “I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” We hear. Listen! He knows you. Don’t you want to know Him?
What is happening in your life? Are you leaning into the world with its false sparkle of hope or are you leaning into Jesus who is the true hope for your life, not just here on earth but for eternity.
The God of hope – Jesus Christ is the comfort we need to walk through “the valley”. (Psalm 23) Sometimes it feels like we are walking alone, but He walks in that valley with us. If we listen, we will hear His voice encouraging us along the way. He is pursing us, walking with us and encouraging us because we are the sheep of His pasture. He knows His sheep (John 10) and He has promised never to leave us alone. (John 14:8).
Our Shepherd will always lead us where we need to go. He will always walk beside us and He will never leave us alone.
On your journey today, open God’s Word, talk to the Shepherd of your soul. Walk with Him. He’s waiting to have a conversation with you. Don’t miss out on the hope and joy that comes from a Savior who has promised to “be with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)
©️ 2024 Leah E Miller All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Timely… He’s timeless.