It has been said that “all the world needs is love”. Though a true statement, I would add that what the world needs is kindness.  Love and kindness work together, but often we don’t receive the kindness of others nor do others receive kindness from us.  Be generous and sincere with your acts of kindness.

Kindness can be defined as “loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness.” There it is. The reason for kindness. In our weakness we feel alone and small. It is in these times we need a little encouragement. It is in these times that others need the strength of another to carry on.

Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. It is something we should be intentional about doing for others. We don’t know what others are going through and just a simple smile and nod can go a long way for someone who is struggling. Let’s be honest here. We’re all struggling with something, so we know what it feels like to have someone smile at us or speak a kind word, or even help us through little tasks like holding a door open, waiting on someone to pass us before we go barreling to that parking spot at the store, speaking a kind word to the receptionist at that office you have to visit, or loving your neighbor. Generally loving someone just because they’re human. Not to mention that kindness rebounds to you.

But you ask, shouldn’t we lean on God in our struggles? Shouldn’t other do the same?  Yes, we should. Yes, they should. Jesus should be the first person we speak to about it and His Word should be the first place we look for guidance in our struggles. However, people don’t always do that. Think about how you are sometimes when you have to grapple with an issue. You fuss, call a friend, get frustrated, often to the point of anger. Then the tears come and you realize that the worst part is not the struggle, but the fact that you didn’t consult the Counselor in the first place and in these times alongside Scripture and payer a smile or helping hand from another goes a long way to right your attitude toward your struggle.  Those around you feel this too. They may be Christians like yourself, or they may be unbelievers and lost without hope. Remember, the Lord often uses His people to demonstrate His kindness and love to the world. Romans 2:4 tells us, “God’s kindness is meant to lead to repentance”.

Kindness comes in many forms and can be dispersed in many ways. Each of us are uniquely gifted to help those around us.  Remember, we were created for community not isolation. We are to be out doing what God has called each of us to do. Share the gospel — the hope of eternal life, with the world. Sharing your strength and being kind is a great way to do that.

Be Kind! Spread Hope! Be Encouraged!

©️ 2024 Leah E Miller All Rights Reserved Worldwide