I am Leah and I’m glad you have taken the time to visit. This is a safe place to find rest, restore your hope and reclaim your joy.

Our mission is to encourage you on your journey and to connect you with the Person of Hope – The Lord Jesus Christ. We want to help you restore hope and reclaim joy as you navigate your life journey with fresh eyes and heart.

In life there are roads to walk, seasons to navigate, and circumstances to understand. I have personally experienced several of these along the way. I am a special needs mom and am currently navigating my way through being a new widow. There is much to learn. Grief and troubling circumstances cause us to look for encouragement. Let me encourage you and may we learn together to encourage others toward hope in Jesus. (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

I am available for speaking engagements. Please email me for details.

©️ 2023 Leah E Miller All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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