Journey Through Winter

As I write this, it’s winter. A season that leads to hope. Winter begins with celebration. The leaves of Autumn have gone. The trees are bare and dark. In many ways they demonstrate our dark and lonely feelings about the long seasonal journey we call winter. Winter technically begins on December twenty-first and lasts through…

Amazing Benefits

 We live in a broken world where benefits are few. Most often we’re looking straight into the eyes of difficulty and suffering.  We often hear statements like the following: “My life has changed completely.” “My dreams are shattered.” “My life is not what I expected.” “People have hurt me, even church people.” “I don’t see…

New Year Priorities

It’s here. A new Year. A blank page. A new opportunity. This is the chance to make changes in your life. Start small. For example: If you want to lose weight, make your goal 10 pounds instead of 40. You can get to a forty-pound weight loss easier by creating small goals you can manage…

Seek the Prince of Peace

It’s Christmas week. Most are seeking peace in some form. Peace does not come in packages or bags. It does not come from feelings or working it up.  It comes in the person of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:14 tells us: “For he himself is our peace.” For some this is a glorious time of year…

Cozy Bible Reading

Fall is the cozy season.  It is often the time we reflect on life. We become more self-aware, and we realize some things need to change one way or another. Today, I’d like to talk about Bible reading. So, grab that “weight-defying” hot chocolate, a warm blanket, your Bible and settle in front of a…

His Benefits Overflow – Psalm 103:1-6

We live in a broken world where benefits are few. Most often we’re looking straight into the eyes of difficulty and suffering.  We often hear statements like the following: “My life has changed completely.” “My dreams are shattered.” “My life is not what I expected.” “People have hurt me, even church people.” “I don’t see…

What Peace Looks Like

Peace is not the absence of war or of struggle. It is not the lack of conflict or strife. It is not using social media as a distraction for the unfavorable circumstances of your life. It is not spending money on things you don’t need. It is not having unity, quietness, and reconciliation in your…

Ruby’s Kindness

I would like to tell you about my friend Ruby.  I met her at a local business establishment where I live. She is the type of person who is always cheerful. I’ve never seen her frown.  I think Grace should be her middle name. I noted the first time I encountered her that she was…

Joy Refined

We have looked at the definition of Joy. Joy is a gift from the God who loves us. Joy does not exist apart from Him.  Let us now look at how we can refine the gift of joy God has given us. We need to put on the brakes and realize that Jesus is the…